Our Crew

Meet the movers and shakers behind the scenes at Wolf Lab

DP & Editor

Brent Hage

Far more than just Arron’s little brother, Brent Hage is a director of photography (DP) and video editor with more than a decade’s experience working for major television networks. Brent’s career has seen him work for the ABC, SBS and Seven Network.

Brent has travelled throughout Asia and the Middle East on various assignments, filming in some of the harshest conditions imaginable – including as an ‘embedded’ cameramen with the military in Iraq for Seven Network Australia. Brent is a CASA-certified UAV drone operator with years of flying experience.

Brent brings energy and enthusiasm to every project. He has a nose for a story and a Scotch fillet, tracking down both with zeal and efficiency anywhere in Australia.

Arron Hage ACS

Director of Photography

How we can help you

Joe Dolezal

Composer & Sound Designer

How we can help you

Luke Blair

Freelance Creative Producer

How we can help you